Aside from the infantry battalions, another integral part of the Brigade was its organic aviation assets, otherwise known as Fireball Aviation. Consisting of UH-1D Huey’s, Light Observation Helicopters (LOH) and Kiowa scout craft, the aviators and crews of Fireball would actually log more flight time than any other unit of its size in Vietnam.
Fireball pilots and their crews would, on average, complete over 120 hours of flight time per month. Only when the job at hand was too large, such as moving artillery or an infantry company, did Fireball require outside help and support.

Fireball Aviation distinctive unit insignia.
Flying out of Camp Frenzell-Jones, Fireball Aviation performed every task possible in the Brigade with its UH-1D Hueys and OH-6A Cayeuses. Resupply for units in the field was Fireball's most vital mission, along with extracting wounded soldiers, conducting C&C flights for the Brigade commanding officer and battalion commanders, and taking part in "people-sniffer" missions throughout the 199th area of operations.

(Craig Wollman)

(Craig Wollman)
The Huey above (UH-1H67-17459) functioned as a C&C craft for HHC-199th from approximately 1968 - 1970.

Tim Hain

(Craig Wollman)

Roger Lowery

Roger Lowery

(Craig Wollman)

Paul Walters

Roger Lowery