Image by Art Jaeger. I was sitting in the back of a quarter-ton truck going somewhere. I didn’t know this kid. He was just headed to the same firebase and hopped on. Unlike me, though, he was ultimately headed back out to the field. I’ve always kinda liked this photo. It was taken in late 1969 or early 1970, in Long Khanh Province.

Redcatchers, unit unknown, being extracted from an operation somewhere south of Saigon, 1969.

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em. This soldier could possibly be SP4 Byron Treece, from Hayfork, CA of A/5-12. Image taken by SP4 Peter Gyallay-Pap

Interesting point on this image: I doubt it was ever published anywhere because of the shotgun shells. Shotguns were used widely in the field, especially by pointmen. But their use was (or is?) not allowed under the Geneva Convention. Since in those days we at pretended like we obeyed such rules, those of us in the 40th PID were told that any photos showing shotguns or shotgun shells in the field were not to be published.
Usually the point man carried a M-16, No.2 man had a scatter gun (a short barreled shot gun) or a 16. No. 3 man was an M-60 machine gun. I was usually No. 4 and Mike Horst - my RTO - was No.5.
In the triple canopy jungle, shot guns were great as long as the point man kept his head down after his first burst. The problem with the shot guns they did not penetrate deep enough into the foliage, by that time Mama 60 was most effective. BJ Khalifah, A/5-12.

I’ve always assumed this is a medic working on a soldier. Whatever is happening, this shows urgency in a combat situation. Image taken by SP5 Joseph F. Whinnery.

Art Jaeger. Brigade Main Base at dusk, 1969.